None of us are exempt from error every now and then, which means that no person or organization of people can have final authority on truth. But there is good news! God's Word, the Bible, is His authoritative witness to THE TRUTH, Jesus Christ.

Jesus said, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me." (John 14:6). He also said that the Scriptures testify about Him. (John 5:39). Why seek answers from any other source? Jesus Christ promised to give rest to anyone who will come to Him (Matthew 11:28). The Lord Jesus Christ is the only way to the Father. No one can get to the Father through a church or organization.


D.C.O. Witnessing Tips Videos. Click on each of the letters below to watch short videos:





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Do you you have a Prayer Request?


Kevin Simonson

14.09.2021 00:17

Is it your intent to share your faith with me? I'm a devout Latter-day Saint.

Ansley Dicki

24.05.2020 06:04



15.09.2015 06:25

I liked "This Generation" page, great info! I tried to share this page but it was not loading fast enough on my mobile phone, please check this out to see if you have similar results.

Latest comments

14.09 | 00:17

Is it your intent to share your faith with me? I'm a devout Latter-day Saint.

30.06 | 17:21

Let's add, the keys to Death and Hades (Revelation 1:18) the key of David (Rev. 3:7) the key of knowledge (Luke 11:52) and the keys of the kingdom of heaven (Matt.16:19) only given to Simon/Peter.

24.05 | 06:04


10.02 | 23:31

Checked out the great video. 👍 Thumbs up!

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